Tetley Tea Photography
Food & Beverage
Art Direction
Content and Creative

With a history spanning over 180 years, Tetley has become a household name for tea lovers worldwide, selling over 60 tea bag varieties across 40 countries. When Tetley wanted to build a new website to showcase its global brand, BORN was engaged for its design and technology expertise.Business Objective
Tetley chose BORN as its design and technology partner and Acquia (Cloud Site Factory) to build a unified website platform for its global tea brand. The objective was to create new content for 4 regions (US, India, Canada, and the UK) for its new categories’ sections for PDP pages.The Challenge
BORN’s biggest challenge was to create visuals that would work for all locations, while still considering local preferences and cultural differences. The team had to work remotely, collaborating with each team to ensure they knew each region’s exact requirements for imagery.Artfully Planned Photoshoot
BORN’s team meticulously planned the shoot with our art director, photographer, and stylist, creating detailed scamps and props lists for each shot.

Creation of a suit of asset for a full e-commerce and tactical activation
Lifestyle and category images, to use across HP, PLP, PDP, with some variations for each different region.

Contents delivering a localised visual strategy while offering an overall global consistency
The team mapped out the style of light and colours to use to create a consistent look and feel but using different types of props to translate the various kinds of different “tea rituals” specific to each region.

Seamless multi-country workflows
Thanks to BORN’s in-house Cito software, Client teams, in multiple geographies, could mark up specific change requests and amends, where required, ensuring a unified approach across all regions.